The thoughts and work of Sam Witt

Great Ways to Support Your Authors

Writing is a lot of fun, don’t get me wrong. But sometimes, late at night, when the whiskey is running low and the candles are all burnt down, it gets kinda lonely. In those bleak hours past midnight, we like to warm ourselves around the bonfire of our vanities, also known as our reader numbers. […]

Five Ways to Cram All the Holes With Words

When building your author’s platform, you extend your digital fingers into every conceivable pie. You need a Facebook fan page to rack up those janky thumbs-up signs. A Twitter account to cast your 140-character-baited hooks into the storm-wracked sea of potential readers. A Google+ profile for those times when you’re feeling verbose and want to […]

Five Steps to Writing 10,000 Words a Day

Once upon a time, I made my living writing a lot of words in a very short period of time. On a bad day, I’d crank out 5,000 words. On a good day, I’d hit 10,000 words. I wrote six days a week, without fail. Out of necessity, I learned a few simple tricks that […]

Three Ways Success Wrecked My Writing Career – And How to Avoid My Fate

Believe it or not, twenty years ago I was a very successful writer making a solid, middle-class wage as a writer for the adventure games industry. I had a flow of steady, legitimate work that paid well. I was in my early twenties and living my dream. Everything was going according to plan and life […]

On Writing Serial Fiction

When I started writing Half-Made Girls, I thought it would be a quick and breezy tale that tied elements of the mythology from my childhood with some of my favorite modern influences (the Vachss books, Justified, Breaking Bad, and more) that I would knock out in a few months, one chapter at a time. I was wrong.

Half-Made Girls

 So, I’ve been working on some new projects – Breaking Grace is winding down as I finish the edits on that book and prepare for publication, but Half-Made Girls is just getting fired up. This project is going on at, which allows my work to rub shoulders with other serials and generate some extra […]

Drawing An Escape Map

Writing is a difficult, tricky process. Oh, it may seem simple from the outside – you’re just moving characters from Point A to Point B and describing what happens along the way – but so many things can go wrong. Before I try to write anything more complex than a shopping list, I sit myself […]

The Write Tools

There are way too many writing tools on the market. One of my guilty pleasures is loading up on these digital ink wells and experimenting with their functionality for days at a time to see how they’ll fit into my workflow. If you added up all the hours I’ve procrastinated under the guise of testing […]

Bad Books Are Good For You

It can be a bitter pill to swallow when a book you hate crawls on its loathsome tentacles to the top of the bestseller charts. You see it perched up there, squawking its heinous victory cry, and it makes you want to take all of the brilliant words you’ve written and throw them onto the […]

Writing to Free

I’ve been a writer for as long as I’ve been a reader, but I’ve never given that part of my life the attention it deserves. I treated my passion like a hobby, and the results have been painful and ugly. You can see one of the consequences of this benign neglect in the post before […]