The thoughts and work of Sam Witt

Camp NaNoWriMo – Go Big – Day 5

For those keeping score at home, my goal for Camp NaNoWriMo was to write, edit, cover, and publish two novellas (about 25k words each) before the end of July. So, where are we now?

Camp NaNoWriMo – Go Big – Day 4

First off, to all my American readers, I hope you had a great Fourth of July. I spent most of my time either writing or parked in front of my Big Green Egg grilling up some delicious meats. I have an unhealthy love for cooking with fire . If it involves thick slabs of red […]

Camp NaNoWriMo – Go Big – Day 3

It’s been one of those days. Those days that kick ass.

Camp NaNoWriMo – Go Big – Day 2

Day Two of the big project. Oof.

Camp NaNoWriMo – Going Big

One of the things I love about NaNoWriMo is the way it pushes people to just sit down and write already. With concrete goals and a definite deadline, NaNoWriMo has started many an author down the road to a productive writing life. But there’s one thing about NaNo that bugs the hell out of me.

KU Weekly Read – 02-24-2015 – The River is Dark – Joe Hart

Description In a small town along the Mississippi River, separate but nearly identical attacks have left two married couples brutally murdered in their homes. A young boy—the lone survivor of the killings—now lies comatose in the hospital. And the police’s only lead is the boy’s terrified description of the assailant: a “monster.” Enter former homicide […]

The 5 Step Plan For Getting Your Shit Together In 2015

This is the time of year when a lot of folks like to kick back in the Barcalounger, light up a pipe, and wax nostalgic over the past year while sipping from a snifter of fine brandy. I’m not a lot of folks. And I sure as hell don’t have time to think about what […]

Who I Am

Sitting here in the writing cave pounding out words, it’s easy to get insulated and isolated from the world. When I spend more time talking to the people in my head than the those outside it, it’s time to crawl out of the cave and get in touch with the rest of humanity. For the curious, […]

Sons of Anarchy — The Final Word

I came to Sons of Anarchy late. I’d always wanted to watch it, but I was so caught up in Breaking Bad that I just never got around to it. When I realized Sons of Anarchy was in its final season, I hied off to Netflix and spent the next few months devouring the show […]

Why I Wrote Half-Made Girls

I grew up in a strange little town south of St. Louis. We were close enough to the big city to enjoy its malls and restaurants, far enough away to feel isolated. We had cable television and a Commodore 64 in my house, but we also had snake handlers and ghost stories that kept us […]