The thoughts and work of Sam Witt

Camp NaNoWriMo – Go Big – The End

It’s that time friends and neighbors. Was I able to write, have edited, and acquire covers for two complete novellas in just 31 days? Let’s see.

Camp NaNoWriMo – Go Big – Day 22

“But, Sam, you promised us frequent updates and it’s been a weeeeeeeek…”, says the crowd. “Well, children, then let’s just cut to the moral of today’s story: Whatever plan you make, the world will try to break.”

Camp NaNoWriMo – Go Big – Day 15

This picture sums up this precise moment in my mad month of unbridled creativity.

Camp NaNoWriMo – Go Big – Day 14

While my goals have been quite aggressive for this particular project, they feel like they’re almost within my reach. It’s a little bit tough to hit these word count goals, and kind of a pain in the ass sometimes, but that pain is just the stretch I needed to grow as a writer. Oh, and […]

Camp NaNoWriMo – Go Big – Day 13

Let’s just make this brief: 7,600 words today. Almost back on track. There’s a better than even chance that I’ll wrap up the whole draft by tomorrow night. Woot.

Camp NaNoWriMo – Go Big – Day 12

Miss me? It’s been a rough couple of days. I got so busy writing on Night 10 that I didn’t even have a chance to blog, so that one’s on me. I was a very bad boy. But I didn’t deserve the suffering of Days 11 and 12.

Camp NaNoWriMo – Go Big – Day 9

Here we are at day 9, and things are cooking along so much better than I’d hoped. I am so pumped, you guys.

Camp NaNoWriMo – Go Big – Day 8

I juuuuust finished revisions from my beta readers and shipped Novella #1 to my editor. While Jason sharpens his red pencils, I’m going to take advantage of being ahead of schedule to get some well-deserved sleep. Bigger update tomorrow, as I embark on the quest to finish Novella #2!

Camp NaNoWriMo – Go Big – Day 7

Well, that was an intense week. Lots and lots of words, lots and lots of scrambling around to get writing time into my schedule over the holiday, and lots and lots of doubt that I was going to get this done. Well doubts, I’ve got just two words for you: Suck. It.

Camp NaNoWriMo – Go Big – Day 6

Today was a tough one. Nothing seemed to go right at the Day Job and I was exhausted from writing way too late last night. After dinner, I was staring at a blank page and a target of 2500 words. To be honest, it seemed kind of impossible.